Análisis de indicadores de gestión del servicio de cirugía en una institución de salud de alta complejidad
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2022corporate author
Instituto Tecnológico MetropolitanoCitation
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En la actualidad existe un creciente interés por parte de clínicas y hospitales en analizar los datos generados en los procesos hospitalarios, especialmente en las áreas quirúrgicas, esto con el fin de implementar estándares que permitan llegar a buenas prácticas asistenciales y optimizar los procesos de prestación de servicios. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar,mediante herramientas estadísticas, los datos pertenecientes a los indicadores generados en el proceso de quirófanos en una institución de salud de alta complejidad. La metodología utilizada se centró en aplicar análisis estadístico exploratorio y control estadístico en una colección de datos desde el 2004 hasta el 2019 para cuatro indicadores principales: número de intervenciones quirúrgicas, porcentaje de utilización de quirófanos, porcentaje de utilización de quirófanos para cirugías electivas y porcentaje de cancelación de cirugías. Como hallazgos se determinó el comportamiento y la interpretación de los cuatro indicadores principales pertenecientes al proceso de quirófanos, donde se observa que existe una necesidad de establecer controles y estándares al proceso mediante la estructuración y creación de herramientas de análisis de indicadores. Se espera que lo anterior contribuya en la adecuada toma de decisiones científicas y administrativas a los órganos encargados del control asistencial en las unidades de salud
Nowadays, clinics and hospitals are increasingly interested in analyzing the data generated during hospital procedures, especially regarding operating rooms, to implement standards that result in good health care practices and optimize service provision. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze, using statistical tools, the data of indicators generated by operating room processes at a tertiary care center. The methodology adopted here was focused on applying exploratory statistical analysis and statistical control to four main indicators of operating rooms (collected between 2004 and 2019): number of surgical interventions, operating room use, operating room use for elective surgeries, and surgery cancellation rate. The behavior of these indicators was determined and interpreted. It was observed that process controls and standards should be established by structuring and creating indicator analysis tools. This should help the areas in chNowadays, clinics and hospitals are increasingly interested in analyzing the data generated during hospital procedures, especially regarding operating rooms, to implement standards that result in good health care practices and optimize service provision. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze, using statistical tools, the data of indicators generated by operating room processes at a tertiary care center. The methodology adopted here was focused on applying exploratory statistical analysis and statistical control to four main indicators of operating rooms (collected between 2004 and 2019): number of surgical interventions, operating room use, operating room use for elective surgeries, and surgery cancellation rate. The behavior of these indicators was determined and interpreted. It was observed that process controls and standards should be established by structuring and creating indicator analysis tools. This should help the areas in Nowadays, clinics and hospitals are increasingly interested in analyzing the data generated during hospital procedures, especially regarding operating rooms, to implement standards that result in good health care practices and optimize service provision. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze, using statistical tools, the data of indicators generated by operating room processes at a tertiary care center. The methodology adopted here was focused on applying exploratory statistical analysis and statistical control to four main indicators of operating rooms (collected between 2004 and 2019): number of surgical interventions, operating room use, operating room use for elective surgeries, and surgery cancellation rate. The behavior of these indicators was determined and interpreted. It was observed that process controls and standards should be established by structuring and creating indicator analysis tools. This should help the areas in charge of health care control at health care units to make adequate scientific and managerial decisions